"All This Talk This is a quotation from a letter we recently received from a well-known dealer, and we are inclined to agree that it is true. Bank Collecting is comparatively new, and few collectors, or even dealers, know a whole lot about it. We do know something about Banks, not only because we deal in them exclusively, but also because we have a very large collection of our own. We are very fond of Banks; we think them the Perfect Collectors Item. Old Penny Banks Old Penny Banks reflect so wonderfully their Period; like Currier & Ives Prints and Rogers Groups they gave us a perfect cross-section of their times. Paddy and His Pig of the Irish Immigration, The Stump Speaker of post-Civil War days, Uncle Sam with his carpet bag, plug hat and homely dignity of the 80s, the Political Boss with his pocket ever ready for coins, Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell Shrine of the Philadelphia Centennial of 76, Mary and Her Lamb. Captain Kidd, Santa Claus, and Cannons, Forts, and Soldiers reflecting still fresh memories of the Civil War. Nor is religion, nor legend neglected, for we have Jonah and the Whale, and William Tell Shooting the Apple from his sons head. At the very end of the chapter is "Teddy" Roosevelt, a great Hunter, and a greater President, shooting a ferocious brown bear.The first fifty Banks you collect you will find rare fun the second fifty will be an exciting adventure and the third fifty are well ask any advanced Collector among whom are some of the best known names in America. Industrialists, Bankers, Professional Men and "Just Collectors." Interest in Old Toy Banks, especially the true Mechanicals (the supply of which is strictly limited and rapidly disappearing) is growing broader and stronger, and is here to stay.It is quite easy to deal with us quite satisfactorily without ever visiting our shop. In fact 90% of our transactions are by mail, and we ship to satisfied customers all over the country. Write us fully and freely on any subject relating to Banks. We cheerfully serve as a Bureau of Information for our friends and customers.Below is a Sale List of Values in Old Penny Banks. It is by no means complete but please bear in mind that our stock is constantly changing, banks may be available today and gone tomorrow. Great rarities are seldom listed because they are either on the "wanted" lists of customers or are taken as soon as received. Many splendid additions to our stock however are being constantly received.There has been so much gossip and talk about banks being "Millionaires Items" and about the high prices paid for very rare Banks, that we want to place before every reader of HOBBIES the knowledge that a great many splendid Banks are very reasonably priced indeed. Fully fifty different Mechanical Banks may be acquired at prices ranging from $7.50 to $25.00. Any true Collector who has the real "Treasure Hunting" spirit can build up a splendid collection of old mechanical banks by combining the fruits of his own "treasure hunting" expeditions together with reasonably priced Banks selected from our stock. On the other hand there are enough scarce Banks and "unobtainables" to make advanced collecting extremely fascinating and exciting. Here are some real values in old penny banks:
Please note: On every purchase of $50.00 or more we allow a discount of 10%. Our terms are Cash or Cheque with order, which will be shipped Express Collect unless postage and instructions to ship by post accompany order. Packing is free. Any purchase may be returned within five days, express prepaid, if undamaged and money will be refunded. For those Collectors who are interested in Non-Mechanical Cast Iron Banks, Pottery Banks and other Miscellaneous Still Banks, we issue from time to time a special list for those desiring to purchase a particular type of Bank. Sherwoods Old Penny Bank Shop 612H Fifth Avenue Ashbury Park, New Jersey