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J. & E. Stevens Co.
Miscellaneous Patent Papers
Slide show - 60 second
interval, 20 second
interval, 2 second interval
Mechanical Bank Reseller Advertising
1876 through 1936
Mechanical Bank Notes by Sy
� 1982 to 2014
Mechanical Bank Notes by
F. H. Griffith
� 1951 to 1983
The MBCA Scrapbook is
comprised of text and photos from selected newspaper clippings, magazine articles,
reference material, and correspondence all
related to Antique Mechanical Banks. It is indexed, and can be searched by key words. The material covers the history and heritage
of mechanical bank collecting along with a wealth of information on
the banks themselves and the who, what, when, where, and why of mechanical bank
collecting. If you printed everything you would have over 6500 pages.
All information is made available on an "as
is" basis, with no warranties of any kind. The information reproduced here
is quite old and
can contain errors and misleading statements. It has been reproduced as
accurately as possible, and provenance is provided when available. Hopefully, more
typographical errors have been corrected than inserted. Unless otherwise noted, it is
believed that the material reproduced here was either not copyrighted, or that any
copyrights have expired. Some documents have been edited for www publication.
The SCRAPBOOK section of this web does not provide access to information
published by the MBCA for the exclusive use of its members. The User Name and
Password required to access publications posted in the Members
section are available only to MBCA members.
Please contact
if you have similar items that you would like to share, to report errors, to provide
constructive criticism, etc.
The MBCA Scrapbook is published to www.mechanicalbanks.org
by Bill Jones (bj@mechanicalbanks.org).
Documents were originally collected
or provided by
Bill Jones, William Ferguson, Richard Claggett, Harvey Elander, Dick and Betty Hale,
F. H. Griffith, Bob and Jean McCumber, Mark Haber,
Bill Norman, F. H. Griffith, Deborah and Al Davidson, Joe Knight,
Bill and Lena Roup, John and Bettie Feather, Bill Robison, Fritz Kokish,
Sy & Linda Schreckinger, and
E. Curro � 1954