Monkey Bank and Trick Dog Type II Two very nice mechanical banks made prior to 1935 by Hubley Manufacturing Company of Lancaster, Pa., fit into the numerical classification at this point. They are the Monkey Bank, No. 286, and the Trick Dog (Type II) No. 287. In terms of reference, prior to 1935, is used due to the fact that both banks were continued in production until World War II in the period of 1941 to 1942, which time ended the manufacture of these mechanical banks. It also marked the end of the Hubley Elephant Howdah Mechanical Bank, but more about this bank at another time. It is of interest to note that Hubley was the last of the well-known manufacturers of cast iron toys to make the old type mechanical banks as we know them. It is hard to believe that the Monkey Bank, for example, was sold by Hubley as late as 1937 for $7.50 a dozen. Their catalog for that year bears witness to this fact. The Monkey Bank shown, Figure 1, is in fine original condition and represents the organ grinder with his ever present monkey. It well depicts what it is supposed to represent. Colors of the bank are as follows: The base is solid green with a band of gold around the flared bottom edge. The name Monkey Bank is also in gold. The figure of the organ grinder wears a red jacket and hat with a yellow band. His trousers are yellow and shoes are black. The organ is brown and gold. His hair, eyes, eyebrows and mustache are black. Face and hands are flesh color. The monkey is brown with a yellow jacket and red trousers. His hat is blue and gold and the rod holding the monkey is red with a gold stop plate. The Monkey Bank is shown ready for operation. A coin is placed in the monkeys mouth. On pressing the lever, the monkey springs to the organ dropping the coin therein. Rather simple, but effective action. The Trick Dog, Type II, shown in Figure 2, has a solid base, rather than the six-part base of the Type I. It is painted similar to the Type I. Later versions of this bank, after 1935 or thereabouts, were painted in a simpler fashion with the clown in black and so on. Colors of the pre-1935 bank shown are bright and more along the lines of what we would think a circus item should look like. It is painted as follows: The peaked hat is yellow and green. His face and hands are white. Red markings are on his face and the eyes and eyebrows are black. He has a red mouth and a red line around his neck. The decorative collar is green edged in red. His jacket is yellow with a red belt and red edging. His tights are green at the top with yellow legs, and he wears black shoes. A red line is on each leg where the green and yellow of the tights meet. The dog is black with white eyes. The barrel is red with white bands. The top of the base is black with the name Trick Dog in gold. The base is yellow, as is the hoop held by the clown. The flared bottom edge is black. The bank is shown ready for action. A coin is placed in the dogs mouth. On pressing the lever, the dog jumps through the hoop, depositing the coin in the barrel. Again, simple but effective action. Both banks are from the very fine collection of Wally Tudor.