Office of the Secretary
P. 0. Box 128
Allegan, Mich. 49010
The 24th annual
convention of the Mechanical Bank Collectors of America was held in The
Hartley Hotel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 25th thru the 27th, 1981.
President Bill Robison presided.
Steve and Marilyn
Steckbeck were our hosts, making everyone welcome and providing a very
lively convention. They are to be commended for an excellent job well
The business meeting
followed registration Friday evening. President Bill welcomed the 61
members attending the convention together with their spouses, making the
total well over 100. Everyone then introduced themselves.
The Secretary stated
that everyone had received the previous minutes in the mail and the
convention waived the reading of the minutes. Ken Knops, the Treasurer,
reported that we had a balance of $3965.53, with 234 paying members,
together with 7 founding members. He further noted that with rising
expenses for postage, printing etc., it was very difficult to keep up,
but that the dues increase will most certainly help.
Gerhard Riegraf from
West Germany, sent a nice letter to Steve regretting his inability to
attend the convention. However, ill health prevented it this year,
but wished all members good luck.
A nominating
committee consisting of Bob Warner, Donal Markey and Steve Steckbeck was
appointed to submit a slate of officers for the coming year at the
Saturday night banquet.
Hall Henry reported
that a problem had developed for the convention next year in North
Carolina. Because of the up-coming World's Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee,
the only date available for the convention would be September 9 - 11 and
that the prices would be considerably higher. This would make the
convention about three weeks earlier than the usual date, which is
always the last weekend in September. In view of this development, Mr. &
Mrs. Al Davidson offered to be hosts at the New Harrison Inn on
Long Island. The attending members seemed to favor the Long Island site.
A firm date will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Banks sold at the
auction held Friday night following the business meeting resulted in a
commission to the club of $832.
Two resolutions were
adopted at the Board of Directors meeting held Saturday afternoon:
1) RESOLVED: That all members who attend or participate in any function
of the convention shall be liable for the registration fee at that time.
If not forthcoming, then shall become payable with the membership dues.
2) RESOLVED: That at each convention a moment of silence be held for
members and/or their family members who have passed away during the past
Following a violent
electrical storm that hit the Fort Wayne area Saturday afternoon in
which all power was cut off from the convention hotel, the banquet was
held as scheduled. Beginning in candle light and ending with the power
being restored about 8:00 PM.
The following slate
of officers was reported by nominating committee to serve during the
coming year, and was elected.
President - Ken Knops
Vice President - Tim Anderson
Secretary - Rick Mihlheim
Treasurer - Bern Ellinghaus
Director 1 year Steve Steckbeck
Director 1 year Donal Markey
Director 1 year Bob Warner
Director 2 years Bill Robison
Director 2 years Bob Watkins
In the absence of
Oliver Clark, who was unable to attend because of business reasons, the
program was shortened to the showing of Al Davidson's film "Penny Lane",
which was enjoyed by all members new and old.
The concluding event of the convention was a group picture taken by Bill
This year the Club,
together with Bill Norman, sponsored an in-depth study of "The Artillery
Bank". Bill was congratulated by the members for doing an excellent job
of research and authoring the booklet. All members are to receive one
copy as part of their membership. Any additional copies may be purchased
from the Secretary at $5.00 per copy.
There being no
further business to come before the meeting, President Bill adjourned
the convention.
Respectfully submitted,
H.E. "Rick" Mihlheim