Rare Old SOME two hundred and forty different mechanical banks are accounted for, affording a wide variation as to character, respective worth and desirability. Many of them having an actual value of $5.00 to $25.00 with another group at $25.00 to $50.00 and still another lot of extremely rare specimens for which there exists a certain imaginary value ranging from $50.00 to $100.00 and on up, but always in accord with the collectors pocket book as well as the state or degree of insanity he hay have reached. Be gentle and kind to the old bank, for who knows but what you may have a prize winner, and it is bad form to junk any bank until you have assurance that it is of little value. Should you possess a cherished old bank with sentimental attachment, hold on to it with a tight grip, place it upon the mantle piece and enjoy it and turn a muffed ear to the clamor of collectors. However, if you recall a certain old bank stowed away in the loft for which sentiment is at a low ebb, and for which you would much prefer a good radio, a new suit or even a swell party gown, then it is high time to consult with me for you may have the very bank. If you have a rare old mechanical bank, or know of one, it will be worth while to ask for literature and list of certain banks that are wanted. ANDREW EMERINE . . . FOSTORIA, OHIO COLLECTOR OF RARE OLD BANKS OF DISTINCTION