Agreement by and between Charles M. Henn of Chicago IL., of the first part and The J. & E. Stevens Co. of Cromwell Connecticut, of the second part.Said Charles M. Henn being the owner of certain invention known as the Eagle Bank for which application for letter patent was filed Sept. 29, 1882 and claim allowed Jan. 23, 1883 hereby agrees to lease to the said The J. &. E. Stevens Co. on account of the consideration herein after named his entire interest in the said invention for the term of 15 years from the date of the said patent. Said The J. & E. Stevens Co. Hereby agree to pay to said Charles M. Henn as royalty for the use of the said invention the sum of forty five cents for each dozen of toys by them manufactured and sold, returns to be made January 1st and July 1st semi-annually. They further agree to use their best efforts to extend the sale of the said toys and if requested, to exhibit to the inspection of said Charles M. Henn their books containing the record of such sales. It is further agreed that should the said J. & E. Stevens Co. at any time persistently fail to comply with the conditions of this contract all rights under the said patent thereupon revert to the saidCharles M. Henn. In the presence of Charles M. Henn John D. Quinton The J. & E. Stevens Co.