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Dear Fellow Collector:
I deeply regret to inform you of the recent death of Edwin H. Mosler, Jr., on March 20,
1982. To so many of us who knew Ed and admired his great style, technique and enthusiasm
in the creation of his collections, his demise is a tremendous loss.
I have been authorized at this time by the Executors of his Estate to offer his
collections at public sale.
For those not familiar with his collections, included are not only mechanical and still
banks, but a variety of well known collectible fakes, variations, wood, lead and brass
patterns, semi-mechanicals, and related items many from the historic collections of
Meyer, Emerine and Weider.
We look forward to seeing you all on WEDNESDAY, June 2, 1982 at 1:00 p.m. for the
MECHANICALS and THURSDAY, June 3, 1982 at 10:00 a.m. for the STILLS. Both sales to take
place at the:
401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street)
Suite 600-A
New York, New York
If I can be of any further assistance, please dont hesitate to call.
Donal P. Markey
Album Surprise Bank *
Alice in Wonderland 650
Archie Andrews (two) (150-225)
Artillery bank (seven) Meyer/Emerine (375-1250)
Automat Candy Bank 200
Automatic Coin Savings 2200
Education and Economy 1200
Education and Economy (early version) 750
Barrel with Arms (four) Weider (200-350)
Battleship/semi (five) (325-1000)
Bear and Tree Stump 550
Bear/Sulky 250
Bear/Surly 200
Beehive Bank 300
Betta Toy Eng. Twin Tower Money Box 300
Bill E. Grin / Emerine 1200
Billy Goat (three) (1000-1750)
Biscuit Tin (French) 350
Bismark Pig (two) (1750-2000)
Black Joe 950
Boy and Bulldog (two)/Meyer (550-575)
Boy Stealing Watermelon /Emerine 1000
Bread Winners / Emerine *
Bucking Goat /Meyer 350
Bucking Mule (two) / Emerine (750-1000)
Buffalo (five) / Meyer (100-450)
Bull and Bear 1250
Bull with Movable Horns (two) (175-225)
Bulldog on Base 475
Bulldog Savings Bank (three) / Emerine (1800-2500)
Bulldog Standing (two) / Emerine (275-500)
Bunker Hill Monument 750
Bureau (Serrill) Type I 2000
Bureau (Serrill) Type II (two) / Wieder (1500-1750)
Bureau (Picture Pops Up) / Meyer 3500
Bureau (Le Wandos) 1150
Bureaus (Assorted) approx. (twenty five) (15-450)
Burnett Postman Biscuit Tin (two) (800-950)
Butting Buffalo 1100
Cabin (two) (200-225)
Cabin (wood pattern) 250
Calumet (Type II) 250
Camera 2750
Candy Dispenser Banks (seven) (100-175)
Candy Machine bank (double) 1000
Candy Dispenser Automat (two) 200 (ea.)
Captain Kidd (two) (200-250)
Cash Register Bank (Hubley) 950
Cat and Mouse 800
Centennial Liberty Bell (round) Rare 750
Cat Chases Mouse / Meyer 750
Centennial Liberty Bell (octagonal) rare 750
Chein Bear on Drum 1500
Chein banks (17 assorted) (15-200)
Chimpanzee (two) (800-1200)
Chocolate Automat West 300
Chocolate Candy Automat 250
Chocolate Meiner (six) (325-600)
Chocolate Meiner (Family Size) 700
Pin Ball Machine Bank 1300
Musical Church Bank 750
Cigarette Dispenser Bank 100
Cigarette Machine bank (French) 550
Circus Ticket Collector 1250
Clever Dick 1500
Clock (German) 125
Clown Bank 550
Clown Bank (German) 750
Clown (large) / Wieder 300
Clown with Hat (large) 250
Clown (small) 200
Clown /Black Face (tin) 1000
Clown /White Face (tin) 1000
Clown face (round) 1250
Clown on Globe 1350
Clown, Harlequin and Columbine (second casting) *
Columbian Magic (seven) (275-325)
Creedmoor (three) (200-275)
Crescent Cash Reg. (two) (400-575)
Cupid at Piano Musical Bank *
Cupola Bank (Bldg.) (two) 1500-2000
Dapper Dan (two) (400-600)
Darktown Battery /white players 750
Darktown Battery /fat bat 750
Darktown Battery /lead pattern 750
Dinah (two) 250 (ea.)
Dog I Hear a Call (two) (75-100)
Barking Dog 3000
Dog on Turntable (three) / Emerine (150-400)
Dolls Head / Semi (two) (350-375)
Drivers Chocolate 300
Drostes Chocolate 375
Dutch Girl and Cottage 185
Edwardian Wooden Elephant (250)
Electric Safe 250
Elephant with Howdah 375
Elephant with Howdah pull tail (three)/Meyer and Emerine
Elephant Locked Howdah / Emerine 650
Elephant Raised Coin Slot 325
Elephant 3 Stars / Emerine 375
Elephant 3 Stars (Canadian) 250
Elephant 3 Star Type (two) (300-350)
Elephant Moves Trunk (large) / Meyer 100
Elephant Moves Trunk (small) (two) (65-85)
Elephant Moves Trunk on Wheels / Meyer 375
Elephant with String Tail 375
Feed the Goose (two) / Emerine/Meyer (150-250)
Feed the Kitty (three) / Emerine (600-850)
Ferris Wheel (three) (1500-2000)
Football bank (five) / Wieder (1700-3000)
Fort and Cannon (German) 1500
Fortune Horse Race Savings Bank *
Fortune Teller Savings Bank (two) (575-675)
Forty Niner Mech. bank 550
Two Frogs Bank / Emerine 550
Frog in Den / Meyer *
Frog on Rock (two) (150-275)
Frog on Lattice (two) / Meyer (200-300)
Fun Producing Scale 1500
Gem Bank / Emerine 400
Germania Exchange *
Giant bank / Wieder *
Girl Skipping Rope *
Girl in Victorian Chair / Meyer 2700
Globe on Arc (three) (125-350)
Globe Savings Fund / Emerine 750
Globe on Stand (three) / Emerine/Meyer (150-175)
Glutton (four) / Meyer (150-550)
Goat Frog and Old Man (three) (450-2250)
Golden gate Key Bank 950
Greedy Nigger 250
Grenadier 800
Guessing Bank / Emerine 2500
Man in Chair (Guessing Bank Figure (Bellows) 2500
Gwenda Money Box 1500
Halls Excelsior (four) / Emerine (150-250)
Halls Liliput Type III (three / Emerine (250-450)
Halls Liliput Still Bank 375
Halls Yankee Notion 1500
Hannibal Elephant 1500
Harold Lloyd / Still 750
Hartwig and Vogel (two) / Weider (375-1200)
Hen and Chick 900
Hillmans Coin Target Bank *
Home Bank (three) / Emerine (350-575)
Home Bank (tin) 200
Hoopla (two) / Wieder (750-850)
Horse Race Type I 1200
Horse and Silo 2500
Humpty Dumpty 650
Huntley and Palmer Biscuit Tin 550
Huntley and Palmer Reading Biscuit Tin 800
I Always Did Spise A Mule (bench) (two) (475-575)
I Always Did Spise A Mule (jockey (two) / Emerine (300-450)
Independence Hall (semi) (three) / Emerine (150-375)
Indian and Bear (white) 750
Initiating (first degree) 3000
Jack on Roof 1500
Jitney Bank (two) (950-1200)
Joe Socko / Emerine 350
John Bulls Money Box *
Jolly Joe (two) 1500 (ea.)
Jolly Negro Family (asst. Hi hats, Variations, Pieces
/ Meyer/Emerine/ Wieder
Jumbo Elephant Iron / Meyer 600
Jumbo Elephant tin 75
Jumbo Elephant on Wheels 375
Keene Registering Bank 350
Key Bank (two) (375-450)
Kick Inn Bank 450
Kiltie Bank 800
Lighthouse 775
Light of Asia 1250
Lion Hunter / Wieder 2500
Little Joe (seven) (100-250)
Little Moe (two) (1250-1500)
Leo Candy Dispenser Bank 350
Memorial Money Bank 500
Little Joe High Hat 250
Little Millionaire Savings (semi) (two) (35-45)
Locomotive (eight) / Meyer (575-1000)
Long May it Wave 3000
Lost Dog (two) / Emerine (350-400)
Lucky Money Wheel (two) 1500 (ea.)
Magic Clock Savings Bank 1200
Magic Man Elephant 1500
Magic Safe (five) (625-750)
Mammy and Child / Meyer 1000
Man on Chimney 450
Merry Go Round (semi) (two) / Emerine (150-275)
Metropolitan Safe (two) (150-300)
Mikado *
Milking Cow 1800
Minstrel (four) (300-550)
Model R.R. Drink Dispenser 2500
Model R.R. Station Rest Rooms 2500
Model R.R. Stamp Dispenser 2500
Model R.R. Ticket Vending Bank (Bing) (three) 2500 (ea.)
Model Savings Bank (cash register) 2000
Monkey bank / Meyer 250
Monkey (semi) 200
Monkey and Parrot (two) (475-550)
Monkey with tray (six) / Wieder (550-650)
Moody and Sankey (four) /Meyer/Wieder (500-1200)
Mosque (three) / Meyer/Wieder (500-850)
Multiplying Bank / Emerine 600
Music Bank (tin) *
Musical Castle 4500
Musical Bank / Sing A Song of Six-pence 2200
Regina Musical Savings (two) / Wieder 4500 (ea.)
Musical Savings Bank Wood House *
Musical Savings Bank You pay I play Wood Easel
My Secret Safe 300
National Your Savings (three) (375-450)
New Bank (eight) / Emerine / Wieder (250-675)
New Creedmoor Sparskytt 600
Nodding Clown 3500
North Pole (second casting) 1500
North Pole Freezer (two) (250-400)
Octagonal Fort (two) 2500 (ea.)
1,2,3,4,5 Glass-Iron Bank 350
Organ (cat and dog) /Emerine 450
Organ (boy and girl) 775
Organ (monkey) (two) / Emerine (200-250)
Organ miniature (two) / Emerine/Meyer (475-575)
Organ Grinder and Performing Bear 1750
Oriental Bust Bank 750
Owl slot in book /Emerine 350
Owl Turns Head (five) (200-300)
Owl Turns Head (porcelainized) (225)
Paddy and the Pig 575
Panorama 1750
Pascall Choc. Cigarette bank 750
Pascall Savings Type I 800
Pascall Savings Type II 500
Patronize the Blind Man 1750
Peg Leg Beggar (two) / Emerine/Meyer (950-1200)
Pelican (two) (850-1100)
Cockatoo (german Tin Bank 1500
Penny Pineapple (three) (50-200)
Penny Saver Cash Register 350
Peter Weatherbird Shoes Tin 300
Piano Bank Music 650
Pig (three) / Emerine (50-750)
Pig Cigar Cutter / Emerine 225
Pig in High Chair 500
Pistol / Wieder 600
Policeman Bank (german) Tin 1000
Popeye Knock Out (two) (175-475)
Presto Savings Bank (mouse on roof) tin & Iron 675
Presto / Wieder 275
Pump and Bucket / Emerine 1150
Punch and Judy Iron (five) / Emerine (400-900)
Punch and Judy Tin-Semi (two) 150 (ea.)
Punch and Judy Tin (german) 2200
Rabbit (small) 450
Rabbit (tall) 750
Rabbit in Cabbage / Emerine 300
Radio Registering Bank (german) 150
Reclining Chinaman 1800
Recording Bank Administration Building 250
Risque Pig (two) 250 (ea.)
Rooster 200
Rooster Crowing 1500
Royal Trick Elephant 3500
Saluting Sailor (two) (1000-1200)
Sam Siegels Aim to Save Coin Bank plus patent *
Starkies Airplane *
Springing Cat *
Santa Claus (two) (725-850)
Santa in Cathedral 750
Saving Sam 200
Saving Squirrel (two) (400-500)
Savo (three) (350-500)
Scotchman (two) (500-550)
Scottish Guardsman 1500
Seated Monkey 175
Self-Reg. Money Box Clock (german) 350
Sentry Bank 350
Shoot the Chute / Emerine *
Shooting Soldier Bank 750
Signal Cabin (three) (850-1100)
Smyth X-Ray (two) (2200-2500)
Snap-It (three) (225-250)
Sonny Boy Type 75
Spar Automat Hartwig and Vogel 400
Speaking Dog (two) (675-750)
Spike Helmeted Soldier 1000
Spike Helmeted Head (two) (850-1100)
Spring Jawed Bonzo 650
Spring Jawed Dog 700
Squirrel and Tree Stump / Wieder 1350
Stollwerck (30 varieties) (100-300)
Stollwerck Candy Dispenser Box 250
Stollwerck-Victoria (five) (375-600)
Stump Speaker / Emerine 1000
Symphonion Music Savings Bank *
Sweet Thrift (two) (225-275)
Tammany (four) / Emerine (250-275)
Tank and Cannon (eight) / Emerine (475-775)
Target Bank / Meyer 1000
Telephone bank (four) / Emerine (85-900)
Teller Box (three) 35 (ea.)
Thrifty Animal 475
Thrifty Tom (three) / Wieder (350-650)
Tirelire Enregistreuse 200
Tit Bit Automatic Money Box / Lehmann 1500
Toboggan Savings Bank 1150
Tommy (three) (3500-3750)
Tower Bank 200
Trans-Vaal Money box (five) (575-775)
Treasure Chest Musical Bank 2000
Treasure Chest Bank (semi) 175
Trick Dog Type I 450
Trick Dog Type II (three) / Emerine (200-300)
Trick Donkey / Emerine 600
Trick Savings Bank Type I (two) / Emerine (150-225)
Trick Savings Bank Type II 275
Trick Savings Bank Clarks Spool Cotton 800
Tricky Pig (two) / Meyer (300-350)
Trunk Bank (two) 50 (ea.)
Try Your Weight Scale (two) 2500 (ea.)
Turtle Bank (semi) *
Two Ducks 1200
Tyrolier Hunter 1250
Tyrolier Pattern 575
Uncle Remus 1750
Uncle Sam 850
Uncle Sam Special Edition (two) (1000-1250)
Uncle Sam Bust 350
Uncle Tom 450
Uncle Tom Type I 325
U.S. Bank / Meyer 2800
U.S. and Spain 1800
United States Bank (two) (1500-2000)
Universal Savings Bank (Tin-Mech) 750
Watch Bank (three) (500-1000)
Watch Dog Bank 2200
Watch Dog Safe (two) / Emerine (250-375)
Weedens Plantation / Meyer 600
Whale 650
Austraian William Tell (two) 2750 (ea.)
William Tell 375
Windmill (two) / Emerine 125 (ea.)
Wireless (three) / Meyer/ Wieder (225-250)
Wooden Two Way Tower (two) (200-550)
Worlds Fair (two) / Emerine (600-700)
Worlds Fair Bailey Pattern 950
Zentral Sparkassa 225
Zoo Bank (two) (750-850)
Magazine — August, 1982
note, transcribed text for key word
searching is under the page images)

Magazine — August, 1982
Mosler Collection Sold
The sale of the Edwin H. Mosler, Jr., Mechanical and Still Bank
collection was held in New York, June 2nd and 3rd.
by Stephen A. Steckbeck
was truly a philanthropist.
As a hobbyist, he assembled the finest known collection of banks
in the world. Ed was a gentle person who considered feelings of
others first, and collecting second. It comes as no surprise
that even at the end of his life he planned for his fellow
While the blizzards of '82 reached from the Rockies to New
England, and cold gripped New York, Ed was making plans. He
first advised his long time friend and confidant, Donal Markey
that he had decided to privately dispose of the collection. Don
agreed to help price and assist Ed in the ensuing liquidation.
It was the hope of Ed Mosler that he could place a bank on every
collectors shelf. This private sale started on February 22nd.
Mr. Mosler summoned collectors to his office one by one and
offered them certain banks that he felt would enhance their
collection. His mind was keen, he was happy, cheerful and
prophetic. This sale lasted less than two weeks due to Ed's
failing health. March 20th Edwin H Mosler, Jr. died. His last
wishes were that the balance of the banks would be sold at
public sale.
On June 2nd and 3rd, 1982, the public sale was held at the
Mosler office in the Statler Hotel, New York City. In a two day
period, an unbelievable eight hundred mechanicals and still
banks were sold. Collectors showed up at the Statler Hotel days
before the sale to be assured a good position at the head of the
line. On June 2nd, those waiting were issued numbers.
Prospective buyers were ushered into the main office according
to their numbers in groups of about ten, where they were allowed
to examine and purchase the banks of their choice. All in all,
the sale was very orderly. As expected, the rare and more
glamorous mechanicals were sold by the end of the first hour.
The first bank sold was the Bread Winner. Other rare banks
sold in rapid succession were Mikado, Germania Exchange, Giant,
John Bull, Shoot the Chute, Regina Musical, and a number of rare
patterns and many others.
Inside the office area collectors looked over the remaining
banks like children in a candy store — thinking and examining,
deciding and at last purchasing the bank of their choice. There
were so many smiling faces. Everyone felt great! Some may have
been disappointed that they didn't get all they wanted, but no
one should have been unhappy.
For those who wish to purchase a bank from the remaining
inventory, there is good news! Donal Markey will conduct a
private sale on the remaining stock by phone or by appointment
in Mr. Mosler's office. The fine collection of Bell toys and
horse drawn vehicles will be held in September and no doubt will
be another memorable occasion.
Those who were not privileged to know Ed might better
understand his philosophy of life and collecting by reflecting
on the words of George Bernard Shaw, who said, "This is how God
would have done it, if he had the time and money."