Zig Zag Bank (Part II)
by Sy Schreckinger – ANTIQUE TOY WORLD Magazine – June, 1985
Additional patent information which had come to
my attention prompted this addendum to the "Zig Zag Bank" article which
appeared in the February 1983 issue of Antique Toy World. In it, I
discussed how Moses Newman and George H. Bennett, of New York, received
patent number
413,204 on October 22, 1889, for their invention of the Zig
Zag Bank.
The patent drawing did not illustrate the external design of the bank
(Figure 1), but only described and protected the internal mechanism. On
January 7, 1890, a Design Patent number
19,569 (Figure 2) was also issued
to Messrs. Newman and Bennett. This patent protected and depicted the bank
as it was ultimately manufactured.
Unfortunately, that manufacturer remains unknown, although the
construction and colors of the Zig Zag Bank lead me to speculate that it
might have been produced by the Kyser and Rex Company of Philadelphia, PA.
The Bank Book by Bill Norman
by Sy Schreckinger – ANTIQUE TOY WORLD Magazine – June, 1985
The book we've been waiting patiently for is
here, at last! And I would like to state that it has been well-worth
waiting for. To date, this is the most complete, concise, informative, and
attractive book to be written on Mechanical Banks. Each page displays one
or more large, clear, full color photograph(s) of a mechanical bank,
accompanied by a brief description and numerical price-rarity grading
system. The history and manufacturer(s) are discussed in great detail. In
addition, there is a special full-color illustrated section which deals
with Mechanical Bank Trade Cards.
The Bank Book should serve as an invaluable aid, not only to the toy
and mechanical bank collector, but to anyone interested in antiques. It
truly brings to focus how significant these wonderful toys are as a
reflection of our history.
If you would like to order a copy of THE BANK BOOK by Bill Norman,
send a check or money order for $45.00 for the regular edition, or $125.00
for the genuine leather bound, limited edition, made out to "THE BANK
BOOK", with your name and address and send it to: Sy Schreckinger, c/o
Young and Rubicam, Inc., 285 Madison Avenue 7th Floor; New York, N.Y.