John D. Meyer, Old Mechanical Penny Banks, 1952 Handbook, Banks 196-210 No. 196. Pony, Trick Pony deposits the coin which he holds in his mouth by nodding his head, into a manger. Words "Trick Pony" on side of base and "Bank" on end. A very good likeeness of a pony and an attractive bank for children. July 7, 1885. 321650. Stevens. $25.00 ($10.00 in 1939) No. 197. Preacher in Pulpit The preacher stands back of the pulpit with his left arm outstretched and his right hand up lifted. His left hand holds a tray on which the coin is placed and then drops into receptacle under the pulpit. He nods his head in thanks for the coin or maybe to emphasize some theological point. Same man as in Bank Teller Bank. Sometimes miscalled "The Man in Frock Coat." $xxxxxx No. 198. Presto Mouse comes out of roof of house when coin is deposited. Words "Presto Savings Bank" on front. Made of tin and iron, about seven inches high and seven long by two inches wide. Patent No. 298830. May 20, 1884. (An unattractive bank but because it is rare you will want it.) A few years ago another Presto bank turned up made of wood with imitation brick paper covering it. It is just like the iron one except about one half inch smaller in each dimension. Now the question is: Which type is the original? $xxxxxx ($100.00 in 1939) No. 199. Presto Small building. Press a little button and tray slides out. Put coin in tray (or drawer) and close it, coin drops through bottom of drawer into bank. The name "Presto" on bank. $20.00 No. 200. Presto You drop a penny in the Presto Bank and press lever and it appears to be transformed into a twenty-five cent piece. This wording on front: "We offer aid, to all who strive to make one penny, twenty-five." Tin, semi-mechanical. Illustrated and described in old catalogues for the season 1886-1887 by Selchow & Righter. (Price $2.00 per doz. Former price $8.00 per doz.) Evidently didnt sell very well. (To date none of these banks has been found.) $xxxxxx No. 201. Professor Pugfrog An elaborate bank painted in bright colors, base open work. Coin is placed in mouth of frog riding a high wheeled bicycle. At the front a clown is standing with his arms spread out, at the back end Mother Goose is standing and reading from a book on which are the words "Mother Goose Circus." Wind up the spring, press the lever and the frog on the bicycle makes two revolutions depositing the coin in the basket held by the clown. Words "Professor Pugfrogs Great Bicycle Feat" on the front side. 11" long. $175.00 ($75.00 in 1939) No. 202. Pump and Bucket Bank Registering. Pump handle when pumped releases dime which falls through slot into bucket. On top of bucket are the words "Dime Register, Pat. Apd. 10c." Advertised as "Pump and Registering Bank." Press dime in slot in bucket then pump handle, which registers the dime and it drops on in. Printed label with directions pasted on bottom tells you the bank can be opened when $5.00 in dimes is deposited and how to reset the registering mechanism. Also this bank is "guaranteed if not misused." $175.00 No. 203. Punch and Judy This bank represents a typical Punch and Judy theatre, scenery, curtain and all. Judy receives the coin in a plate in her hand, a lever is pressed and Punch rushes forward brandishing a club, when Judy turns quickly and deposits the coin in the bank. Name "Punch and Judy Bank" above the stage opening. Two varieties, one has smaller letters in the name than the other. Buffalo, N.Y. July 15, 1884. 302039. $35.00 No. 204. Rabbit Small, standing on round base, 2-3/4" in diameter. Moves ears when tail is pressed, and the coin which has been placed between its outstretched fore-paws drops into its breast. Action is same as larger standing rabbit. $25.00 No. 205. Rabbit Tall, standing on rectangular base, 3" by 4" moves its ears when tail is pressed and the coin which has been placed in slot in ball or nut between outstretched front legs falls into breast. It is believed this design was started as a squirrel with nut. Rabbit ears added as more effective. $65.00 No. 206. Rabbit in Cabbage When coin is placed in slot in the back of the rabbit the ears rise and fall. The rabbit is nibbling a head of cabbage. Very small bank 4" long 2" wide, 2-1/4" high. One of the "thrifty four" small banks made about 1910 by Kilgore Mfg. Co., Toytown workers Div., Westerville, Ohio, packed in cardboard box with picture and names of the "thrifty four": Rabbit "Flop ears the rabbit," Frog on Rock, "Jug-O-Rum Bank," Owl, "Blinky the Owl," Turtle, "Pokey the Turtle." "Modeled after life by the well known artist and sculptress, M. Elizabeth Cook." $20.00 ($8.00 in 1939) No. 207. Ram, Bucking The ram bucks at a man, misses him, hits his head against stump and pushes coin in. The man salutes him with his thumb to his nose. The man is sitting on the ground leaning against the stump facing the ram, the coin is placed on top of the stump and when lever is pressed the above action takes place. October 29, 1895. 548672. $250.00 ($55.00 in 1939) No. 208. Red Riding Hood A small bank being but 5-1/2" in length, and bears no wording or dates, but is quite similar in make up to the Girl in the Victorian Chair. The coin is placed in slot at top of pillow, lever pressed and the mask of the Grandmother tilts forward exposing the full face of the bad wolf, and at the same time Red Riding Hoods head turns to the one side. $xxxxxx No. 209. Revolver Press dime in end of barrel, pull trigger and dime shoots backward into the butt of the pistol. Key combination. Two kinds of these. One cast iron and the other sheet iron. Patented September 21, 1909. 934957. Has small novel combination lock in butt of pistol, with "Manufactured by Richard Elliot Co., Chicago." Sold for 21c by Sears Roebuck in 1912. $85.00 No. 210. Rival A one story building with two windows on each of its four sides and a door in front. There is an opening above the door. A lever is fastened to the door stem, and on the end there is a monkey. The coin is placed in his hand and spring is released, the monkey jumps forward depositing the coin in the opening. The word "Rival" above the door. 203927. May 21, 1878. $300.00 |