| |
Added to the
MBCA web between Feb. 03, 2013 and Sep. 03, 2013
Pay Phone
Bank advertising image from 1926 Riemann, Seabrey Co., jobber catalog,
page 70.
Butler Bros, 1910 advertising images (catalog page 32) for
(Football), William Tell, Bad Accident, and Teddy and the Bear.
1948 Meyer shows Vicky's brother, Lawrence, how to operate one
of the 200 banks.
Reproduction Banks advertised in TRUE THE MAN'S MAGAZINE — Nov. 1961.
Reproduction Banks advertised by F.A.O. Schrarz — Christmas, 1962.
They Pay
Big Money For Banks, P.B. Auction,
Miami Herald.
Members pages
Boy on
Trapeze *Calibration* by John Feather
Convention Minutes
Convention Minutes
1981 Workshop
- Economic Outlook for bank collecting as an investment
Convention Minutes
Convention Minutes
Banker Questionnaire,
2012 April BANKER,
2012 August
2012 December
Added to
the MBCA web between June 16, 2012 and January 28, 2013
1968 Old Mechanical Banks -
Mark Haber, Manuscript,
One Penny for the Show! -
American Home Magazine,
1933 What About the Banks?
- The American Legion Monthly, Article
- information
about banks in 1933 that you will not see elsewhere on the M.B.C.A. web.
1959 Scans of
Baking Powder Jobber Want Book -
photo of 3 Calumet
1976 Sears
Catalog - Americana Mechanical Benny Banks, 13 copies of original banks,
and 1 copied from previous reproduction.
1978 - "Mechanical Bank" News
Antique Toy World Article.
1978 Banking
Ways and Daze - Antique Toy World Article.
1980 -
Banks bring big money, P. B. Auction, Antique Toy World Article.
Auction prices were
updated and include the Al Winick collection (98 lots sold for $1,491,201).
Members pages
Convention Questionnaire,
Added to
the MBCA web between March 3, 2012 and June 16, 2012
Corby - Many Events Reflected by Penny Banks - 1940
Habit of Thrift Once Made Fun - 1942
Bellows book Review - 1940
PENNY BANKS - 1977 book review by Heidi Berry
J. & E. Stevens Co. 1851 advertisement
Jerome B.
Secor - 1880 advertisement
Edward S. Coe
dies in 1926
Miscellaneous J. & E. Stevens articles and agreements
Hall's Excelsior bank advertising flier
12th Antiques and their Prices from 1975
Scans of proof prints from printers blocks for
Cat and Mouse
Chief Big
Hen and Chick
Perfection Registering
Professor Pug Frog
Jolly N.
Punch and
Scans from original 1927 advertising pages for
Trick Dog
Pull Tail
Frog on
Rock, Owl Slot in Book, Rabbit in Cabbage
Sam Register Banks
Montgomery Ward Advertising from 1890 for
Santa Claus,
Jolly N, Speaking Dog, Uncle Sam, and Trick Dog 6 part base
Members Section Additions Include:
2011 MBCA BANKERS from
April (pdf),
August (pdf),
and December
2012 MBCA Convention Handout
J. & E. Stevens Co. - Sales & Payroll, Cromwell CT, etc. (3,189k
List of MBCA member names from
1970 and
1990 "Directory Of Members" (addresses,
phone, Email, etc. are not included),
1961 and
1980 were
previously posted.
Visitors viewed a
total of 13,445 videos on our
channel since it was created
8 months ago —
Lane (2,948),
Us All (2,718),
Ed Mosler (2,136), and
Steckbeck Collection - part 1 (1,943),
part 2 (1,885), &
part 3 (1,815).
here to view current count.
Jigsaw Puzzles
were completed between August of 2011 and June of 2012
(10 months).
MBCA web visitor
for June 2011
to June 15, 2012 (646,237 pages were downloaded).

here to see list of additions to MBCA web prior to March 3, 2012.)

March 03, 2012
Us All,
Ed Mosler, and
Steckbeck Collection - part 1,
part 2, &
part 3.
Secor Cast
Iron Train - article from 1968 Toy and Train Quarterly,
J. & E. Stevens Co. - 1910 postcard,
Cast Iron Stores - New York City, 1849 and 1862,
Dime Pistol Bank Advertising
C. McClurg & Co.'s Catalog of Holiday and Fancy Goods — 1911-1912,
Cabin, Trick Dog (6 part base) & Indian Shooting Bear
A. C.
McClurg & Co.'s — 1911-1912,
1968 Still
and Mechanical Banks - The Questers,
1977 Rare
Penny Banks - Joel Slater's ANTIQUES
NEWS Article,
1978 John Wright
Co. - Reproduction banks, brochures &
1993 Lux Clock
- Is you is, or is you ain't my Mechanical bank?
A Penny Saved - Traditional Home Holiday
Members Section Additions Include:
In the European Tin Money
Box section:
Saalheimer & Strauss, Nuremberg 6 pages, 900kb pdf, and
Money Boxes by Saalheimer & Strauss, Nuremberg, 26 pages, 4,920kb pdf. |

Mamma Katzenjammer visits J. &. E. Stevens Co. and has photo taken near
the Frog Pond.
Also see:
JES Drawings & Photos.
August 07,
Recent Additions Include:
1917 - Bucking Mule Bank, Adv., John M. Smyth Merchandise Co.,
- Andrew Emerine — Memo and Literature,
1930 - Andrew Emerine,
memo and folder,
Popular Science - Strange Things People
Collect - Paul Scott likes banks,
- Hobbies - Andrew Emerine, Collector
- Banks of Distinction,
- Mechanical Banks exhibited at bank in Kansas,
1950's - Pricing List of 194 Mechanical Banks,
Earl Romey,
- Henry W. Miller, advertising card with testimonial by Lederer,
1952 -
Miami Herald - Dr. Ellias Freidus - Fancy Depositories,
- Southern Comfort Bank -
Letter, Advertising Card, Affidavit,
- RI Collectors Club - Open Invitation and Correspondence
- Dr. Arthur E. Corby — Obituary
1960 - Book of Knowledge Reproduction Banks,
1962 - Andrew Emerine honored at 90,
1966-69 - Utexiqual Original Limited Edition Banks,
1988 -
Perelman Museum Sale - Mechanical
Bank Prices,
NEW — Mechanical Bank Jigsaw
Members Section Additions Include:
(PDF), and
(PDF) of 2010.
1999 through 2010 issues of the BANKER are now posted both in traditional web format (html) as
well as PDF
files compiled from page scans. See
Date Index
page for links.
March 26,
Additions Include:
- Magazine of OLD GLASS -
Two Glass Banks
Magazine ANTIQUES - For Indian
Pennies, H. L. Durrell
1948 - The Springfield Republican - Ted Johnson,
1949 - Mechanical Penny Bank Exchange Bulletin -
Robert S. Greenfield
- Earl Romey - Pricing list of 90
Mechanical Banks
1950 - Rudolf
Salvatore -
Providence Sunday Journal
- Henry W. Miller
Price Listing, Banks bought and sold
1951 - John Meyer -
Price Guide
1951 - Mark Haber
- Offers banks for sale
1952 - Collectors Meeting at Yando Home - Rudolph Salvatore mailing
1952 - Andrew Emerine
- Letter to Edward T. Richards
1982 - Ed Mosler
Collection Sale - Antique Toy World pages
1988 - Perelman Toy Museum Sold -
Maine Antique Digest
1991 - Bill Norman Collection at Auction - Price List
Press articles reporting on the Bill Norman Collection
Antique Tow World - Preview — September, 1991
Antiques and The Arts Weekly — September 20, 1991
Antiques and The Arts Weekly — October 4, 1991
Maine Antique Digest — November 1991
Toy World — November 1991
/Foundry section of the MBCA web was updated with information
provided by Fritz Kokesh.
November 01, 2010
Public Section Additions Include:
Selling Prices
for Mechanical Banks sold
at Auction
1977 Edwin H. Mosler -
Making a Game of Moneysaving
Collecting Mechanical Banks -
Early American Life, Feb. 1975
1968 Philadelphia Bulletin Antique Toy Museum Article
- Leon Perelman
1961 Price
list of Mechanical Banks available at attractive prices - Frank L.
William & Lena Roup and Floyd H. Griffith
- Photos
1954 Hand
Drawn Card - E. Curro
Price Guide including gradations of prominent authors
Henry W. Miller
Original advertising image scans for:
Football / Darkey Watermelon (1883)
Locomotive (1883)
and the Pig (1883)
Members Section Additions Include:
August, and
December of 2009
MBCA Scrapbook, 2004 Historians Project, 1958-82 (1,139 pages, 35 files, 160mb)
24. 2010
Public Section Additions Include:
1849 -
Something New, Cast Iron Store
1866 - Shepard Iron Works, Buffalo NY
- Advertisement
1940 Recordo Coin Safe -
December advertising card,
Simmons Coin Bank Collection - Clarence T.
Simmons of
Des Moines Iowa,,
1965 The Antiques Journal - The Toy Banks, an
American Heritage
1970s Perelman
Museum - America's Childhood Revisited,
1971 Long
Island Antique Show banks on Spenders - Newsday
1971 Antiques Journal - Historic Stoner's Store
Hang Seng Bank - Annual Report, Hong Kong
Banking on Change -
Toronto Dominion Bank
J. & E. Stevens
Co., Royalty Agreements
National & Magic,
Lilliput & Yankee Notion,
1880 Mule Entering Barn.
1883 Eagle
and Eaglets,
1884 Cabin,
1884 Multiplying,
1886 Professor
Pug Frog 1,
1886 Professor Pug Frog 2,
1886 Bread Winner,
Watch Dog Safe.
J. & E. Stevens
Co., -
June 15,
1905 letter - Glastonbury Conn. High School.
Members Section Additions Include:
In the European Tin Money
Box section,
courtesy of Harald Merklein and Dr. Peter Reus
Bing Brothers, Metalware Factory, Nuremberg —
short version, 21 pages, 1811kb pdf,
Bing Brothers, Metalware Factory, Nuremberg —
long version, 94 pages, 4403kb pdf.
22, 2010
It is with great sadness that we
note the death of Donal Markey.
Donal was a significant
contributor to our hobby and will
missed by all who valued him as a
friend, a respected dealer in high grade and rare
mechanical banks, a builder of collections, a
teacher, a collector, a colleague,
a perfectionist, and a gentleman.
We extend
our sincerest sympathy to his wife, family,
and friends.
Bee |

January 10, 2010
Members Section Additions Include:
hours of videos including convention seminars from 1988, 1989, 1990, &
1991 plus miscellaneous videos featuring Ed Mosler, US Savings Bonds, PENNY LANE
the Movie, Freedmans Bank, Bill Norman Collection, Athelstan Speilhaus, Bill
Bertoia, Leon Weiss, Steckbeck Collection, and the Steckbeck Collection at
Morphy Auction.
1,133 pages from
maintained by M.B.C.A. Historians from 1958
through 1971 (tabloid
size pages) and 1971 through 1982 (letter size pages) have
been indexed and posted in the members only section -
click here for 1958 to 1971,
click here for 1971 to 1982.
User Name & Password for Members — See December
BANKER - Page 4.
M.B.C.A. web content is currently over
9,400 pages (if printed on 8-1/2" x 11" pages) and 5.62 GB. The home page had
been accessed 205,648 times since April 6, 1999.
According to Netcraft data, the total number of
websites as of January 2010 is
(224 million).
According to dataopedia.com, this web ranked
near the middle of the top one million most visited web sites (99.7% of web
sites are less popular than

December 3, 2009
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of MBCA
Aaron Schroeder.
There will be a memorial service on Monday,
December 7th, at
11:45 A.M.:
Riverside Memorial Chapel
180 West 76th Street (entrance
is on Amsterdam Avenue)
October 4. 2009
Public Section Additions Include:
scans were cleaned up and adapted for use as web page background images.
Mechanical Bank pages from J. & E. Stevens Co.,
1924 were added to the
catalog section of the MBCA web.
1931 3-Coin Register Bank - The Hoge Manufacturing Company, Inc.
J. & E.
Stevens factory photographs from 1956.
Hubley Mfg. Co.
Mechanical Banks in 1906 Catalog. Images from September 1957 issue of
HOBBIES for cover and "Banker
Bodfish - Collects Mechanical Banks" article were added. Slide show on
home page and 2,
20, and 60
second interval pages were updated to include over 280 images.
Members Section Additions Include:
Audio recordings of John Meyer describing acquiring banks in 1952-1953 —
Baby Elephant &
December 2006,
April 2007,
August 2007,
December 2007,
April 2008,
September 2008, and
December 2008.
Additions to
European Tin Savings Banks, History —
Compiled by: Harald Merklein and Dr. Peter Reus include
Boxes produced by metal ware and toy factory of Georg Brandstatter
(geobra) Zirndorf near Nurnberg, Germany, small version, 8 pages, 1331k pdf,
Money Boxes produced by metalware and toy factory of Georg Brandstatter
(geobra) Zirndorf near Nurnberg, Germany, large version, 47 pages, 3815k pdf,
Schuco Money Boxes
produced by Schreyer & Co. Nurenberg, 8 pages, 607k pdf.
06, 2009
The Mechanical Bank Collectors of America
is 51 years old in 2009. This web was 10 years old on April 6, 2009.
If MBCA web content was printed on
8½" x 11" paper
you would have 8270 pages (410mb if saved to disk) of
text and photos from select reference
material, newspaper clippings, magazine
articles, auction prices, and correspondence — all
related to Antique Mechanical Banks.
Public Section Additions Include:
Mechanical Bank
Reseller Advertising from 1876 through
1936. Scanned from original jobber catalogs. 158 images, 141 banks, 32mb. Linked
and from bank names in Table Of
William Ferguson
- text from
1940s BANK NOTES mailed to collectors.
Richard M. Lederer
- text from 1940s manuscripts and letters.
John Meyer
- 1940 letter from Hubley Manufacturing Co.
J. & E. Stevens
Co. - 1884 Multiplying Bank Royalty Agreement.
Situks - 1940 research, Index of American Design.
Charles M Henn -
Eagle and Eaglets Bank.
Bankers Make a
Hobby of Toy Banks -
1940s -
Sun's Rays.
Seamen's Bank
For Savings - ESQUIRE.
Perlman Collects Children's Banks - July 19, 1946.
J. & E. Stevens Co. Banks -
April 1947,
The Spinning Wheel.
The Old and the
New Penny Banks - June 1955,
Shoot That Hat Bank -
June 1947,
The Spinning Wheel.
Harry Hartman -
The Spinning Wheel.
Mickey Mouse
Bank - 1982, by Pride Lines. Shepard
Hardware Co. Banks - by Bill Norman - Collectors Showcase - 1982.
Sherwood's Old Penny Banks - 1936 Christmas Discount.
Sherwood's Old Penny Banks -
1937 Rent Banks.
William Ferguson
- 1941, Litchfield Enquirer.
Thornton C. Thayer - 1940 letter to William F.
Richard M. Lederer, Jr.
- September 1946 Collectors
Roundup, Part I.
Richard M. Lederer, Jr.
- 1946, Collectors
Roundup, Part III.
Richard Lederer
- 1950, The Thrift Bank, IBM Magazine.
Mrs. Kenneth Stice
- 1952, Local collectors busy.
New Rochelle
Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. - 1553, all this and interest too.
Seamen's Bank for
Savings - 1953, Mechanical Banks made Savings Fun.
Francis L. Ball
- 1953, Never Grew Up.
Andrew Emerine
- 1957, Finest Collection in Nation.
Allen D. Bishop
- 1964, Penny Bank Collector.
Tammany Bank made politicians wince - 1966, Made Politicians Wince.
The Original Cash Machines -
article, Citibank 1991 exhibition.
Members Section Additions Include:
search accuracy has been improved by duplicating most pdf
documents as html pages with links to information in the new html
pages added to the
A-Z Table of Contents.
21, 2008
Public Section:
344 mechanical bank patent papers from 1867 through 1950 (1,008 8-1/2" x 11" pdf pages)
have been posted
and linked to Alphabetical and
patent paper listings. Patent numbers linked to the pdf pages were also added to
bank names listed in the Contents
pages along with pages with
Thumbnail patent paper images from 1867 through 2003 (pdf -2740kb). Links to
Auction Prices were added to banks listed in the
Contents pages. Auction $
were updated through December 2008 and data from original J. & E. Stevens Co.
ledgers was added to the public
Scrapbook section.
Members Section: European Tin Money
Box section additions include:
Money Boxes from Loren Bolz, part three, 5 pages, 908kb pdf. MBCA BANKERS from
August, and
December of 2005. The 2008 MBCA convention booklet containing
J&E Stevens Accounting Ledgers & related material (85
pages, 7092K pdf) is also available to read and print from the members only
section of this web. MBCA members should contact
Bill Jones if they would like to be
mailed a copy of the 2008 convention handout booklet.
September 08, 2008 - Recent additions include
over 300 pages of reference material gleaned from thousands of original
manufacturer documents in the USA and Germany :
1903 Bedtime Story —
1958 ORBIS Advertising
using Mechanical Banks,
Sherwood's Old Penny
Banks Ad - American Collector - June 1938 Adv., &
Pittsburgh Post
Gazette - March 24, 1956 - Quaint old toys and banks. J. & E. Stevens
Accounting Ledgers
1874-1875 Paint Shop,
1881-1887 Accounts,1887-1891
1891-1895 Accounts,
1895-1898 Accounts,
1903-1904 Accounts,
1922-1928 Summary.
Additions to MBCA Members section include:
2008 Convention Handout - J.&E Stevens Accounting
Ledgers & related material, 83 page PDF, 7092kb,
plus nine
booklets containing a total of 220 pages and 30mb of information on European Tin
Savings Banks courtesy of Harald Merklein and Dr. Peter Reus -
Savings Banks Made by Arndt Bros. Metal Works, 6 pages, 1087kb pdf
Missionary Savings Banks by Auke de Vries, 5 pages, 476k pdf
& Wolff, Nurenberg Toy Exporter, 8 pages, 2172kb pdf
4. Money
Boxes from Lorenz Bolz, version one, 24 pages, 2439kb pdf
5. Money
Boxes from Lorenz Bolz, version two, 27 pages, 2851kb pdf
Money Boxes Produced by Felix Lasse, Leipzig, version #1, 11 pages, 2668kb pdf
Money Boxes Produced by Felix Lasse, Leipzig, version #2, 63 pages, 9274kb pdf
Money Boxes Produced by Georg Zimmermann, Zindorf, 12 pages, 2591kb pdf
Money Boxes Produced by Georg Zimmermann, Zindorf near Nuremberg,
Historic Tin Banks, Bd. 4, 63 pages, 7618kb pdf
December 2, 2007
- Recent additions include: Free Appraisal -
Andrew Emerine - Hobbies, April 1946,
William Treue - 1954 Price List,
1975 NCR Company Advertisment - with
1975 Chevrolet Caprice,
auction prices were updated with 60
new listings and sale prices from the sale of the Steckbeck collection, and
American Collector - September 1938 -
page scans and
OCR text.
Additions to MBCA Members section include:
1972 Research Project — Mechanical Banks Manufactured in Germany,
Regina Musical Savings Bank, 2007 MBCA Convention Handout, 3,980k pdf,
April 2004,
August 2004, and
December 2004 issues of
April 3, 2007
- Recent additions include: A new "/foundry" sub-web
that is devoted to the
study of toy banks and the processes used to manufacture them.
It contains articles that
were researched and compiled by Fritz Kokish. The MBCA thanks Fritz Kokish and
Bill Robison for permitting over 150 pages of their material to be available on our web
— see: www.mbca.com/foundry.
Additions to the
Scrapbook section include:
Old Penny Banks -The
Andrew Emerine - April 1936,
Old Banks
Used In Bond Buying, New York Sun, December 1942,
Old Coin Banks
are Intriguing, New York Sun, March 1945,
Emerine - Relics - Worth of An Old Penny Bank - March 1946,
Savings Official
Loses Money in Banks - New York Sun, April 1946,
Banker In Town - Baltimore Sun, Milton Stark, November 1946,
Kids: they made saving fun! - 1950,
Richard M. Lederer - The Mechanical Banker - 1950,
Has The "Piggy"
Bank Gone For Good? - 1950,
Don't Save Pennies, Save
Penny Banks - Great Guns - January 1953,
Grandpa's Toys -
Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine - December 14, 1958,
A Banker
Shares His Banks - The Spinning Wheel - Jan/Feb 1963,
Mechanical Banks
Featured in Museum - Collector's Weekly - August 1970,
Treasures - Wichita Eagle and Beacon - August 1970,
Museum - Collector's World - September-October 1970,
Banks That
Move - Perelman Museum Sale - Americana - 1989.
Additions to MBCA Members section include:
August, and
December of 2003.
October 24, 2006
- Recent additions include: Pages from J & E Stevens Co. catalogs -
1906 Export and
No. 51,
Banks of 19th
Century - National City Bank of New York,
Bert Whiting - Jonah and
the Whale - National Antiques Review - Oct. 1970, plus
C. Hegarty "Garage Sale" auction catalog with prices realized from 1973
(thanks Dr. Z).
Bank photo slide show - 60 second
interval, 20 second
interval, 2 second interval
(2 & 20 second interval require high speed internet connection).
Additions to Members
section include: a 74 page (6,810k) pdf format booklet distributed at the 2006 MBCA Convention -
Betty & John Feather — Scrapbook + copies of miscellaneous early material,
The Ohio Foundry Co., Handout,
and the
March 1973 MBCA BANKER.
May 22, 2006
- Recent additions include expansion of
Auction Prices to
include banks sold by Bertoia Auctions, Morphy Auctions, and RSL Auctions,
Hoover - Home Bankers (1947),
Michael Sheridan -
City's Piggy Bank Buff (1970),
Banks Guide U.S. History
(1972), Flip! Flop!
It's in the Bank (1972),
The Toy Man - Leon
Perelman (1973),
Bank Purchases Prof's "Old Friends" (1976), and
Colonel I. A.
Long (1981).
Additions to MBCA web Members Section:
BANKERS from 2002 -
August, &
December. Select material distributed to
members at conventions (pdf format):
Connecticut Toys, Mark Haber Lectures
1964 and
Cromwell Iron Toy Industry,
Louis Hertz Manuscript,
MBCA History by Ted
Listing of J&E Stevens Banks,
Judd banks - 2003 Seminar Booklet,
Patented Banks - 2003 Handout,
Stevens Foundry by Bob McCumber,
Philadelphia Banks - 2003 Seminar Booklet.
December 17, 2005 -
Recent additions to the public scrapbook section include:
"Grandfather's Piggy
Bank", RELICS Magazine, April 1970,
Review of Mrs. Bellows
book, New York Sun, Aug. 31, 1940,
Review of Hertz
Manuscript, New York Sun, July 25, 1947,
Laurence Johnson,
Syracuse Herald-American, Feb. 1, 1953,
2,000 Year-old Alms Box, Times,
Aug. 16, 1938,
Wesley Yando, The
Providence Sunday Journal, March 30, 1952,
William Ferguson,
Gramercy Graphic, Jan. 1959, and
William Ferguson, Gramercy Graphic, Feb. 2005. Issues of the
August, and
December of 2001 were added to the members section. The
public forum was deleted due to the large
number of automated and inappropriate posts (mostly from China).
April 1, 2005 - Recent additions to the public
scrapbook section include:
Banks exhibited at Camden Trust Co.
in 1966,
Andrew Emerine,
Covert Hegarty, and
Hubert Whiting.
Additions to the members section include:
Leon Perelman's speech from 1966 MBCA Convention,
April 1981 issue of THE BANKER, and club publications from
1999 and
2000 (337 pages).
MBCA WEB statistics: 88,912KB
of server space with 4,822 files (if printed, each file would produce between 1
and 50+ pages), 3,237 pictures/images, and 17,158 hyperlinks/bookmarks.
July 1, 2004 -
Recent additions include;
1939 - J. & E. Stevens Factory Photographs
, 1947 - Ina Bellows, Supplementary Data for her 1940 Book,
1955 - William Roup - Penny Savers of
Yesterday, Philadelphia Inquirer,
1958 - William Roup -
Grandpa's Toys, Philadelphia Inquirer,
1960 - Hubert (Bert) Whiting - Mobil Marketer,
Spring, 1961 - William Roup - Pottstown
Mercury, Old Penny Banks,
1963 - Hyman Marcus - Boston Globe article,
1963 - Leon Perelman - Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin article, 1963 - Hubert Whiting - Yankee, May,
1964 - Edward T. Richards - Funeral,
1964 - MBCA Convention snapshots (members section),
1964 - Museum of Childhood, Sept. 29th, Patrick Murray,
1964 - Museum of Childhood, Oct., 11th, Patrick Murray founder,
1965 Capron Replica Banks -
Hospital Handbook,
1966 - John D. Meyer - Tyrone
Daily Herald article,
1967 - Samuel F. Pryor - Hobby Digest,
1981 - Leon Perelman, NRTA
Journal, Toys that weren't thrown out, and
Bertoia April 2004 auction prices.
December 28,
2003 -
Recent additions include;
Andrew Emerine, Treasures Rare Toys, 1940,
Wm. F. Ferguson, Newspaper article,
1941, Insurance Policy
Covers 200 Emerine Banks, 1941,
Arthur E. Corby Radio Interview, 1942,
H. Blair Hull, Inventor, Engineer, &
Bank Collector, 1942,
Seamen's Bank, When Thrift Was
Fun, 1943, Andrew Emerine,
Newspaper Article, 1943,
Louis H. Hertz "The
Old Toy Shop, May, 1945,
John & Jack Martin, Collectors, May, 1946,
Richard M. Lederer, Jr., Collectors
Roundup, April, 1946, Books on
Mechanical Banks, by; Hertz, Haber, and Meyer, 1947,
Jerry Smith, Collection Article &
F.A.O. Schwarz Price List, 1966.
10, 2003 -
Additions include;
Chrysler -1939,
Savings Society Exhibit - 1941, Children's
Toys of Victorian Days - 1943,
President Soden Collects - 1944,
Louis Globe Democrat - 1944,
Business Week - 1944,
Bridgeport Sunday Post - 1945,
Douglas Fellows, Yankee Banks -
Hertz, Interest Growing in Old Toys - 1946,
Coin Grabbers
of 19th Century- 1947,
Was Both a Virtue and Fun - 1955.
March 2, 2003 -
Additions include; Grandpa's
Gadgets - 1936 - American Weekly. Children's
Banks of Other Days - 1937 - The Savings Banker, Penny
Bank Collectors - 1937 New York Times, Coin
Banks at Museum - 1937 - Boston American, Wilmont
Evans - 1938 Boston Evening Transcript, You
May Bank On This - 1938 - Hobbies, Banks
of Another Color and Age - 1938 - About The First, Walter's
Banks - 1938 - The New Yorker, Haber
Collection at Bank - 1939 - Boston Herald, Encyclopedia
of Mechanical Banks - 1940 - Heirlooms, and, if you're bored www.mbca.com
404 error page.
November 17, 2002 -
Additions include; Frear's
Troy Bazaar Trade Card, Morton
Bodfish 1951, Henry
Miller 1952, Astronomical
Prices 1952, F. L. Ball
1953, Vernon Howe 1954, Providence
RI Collectors Club 1954, Chrysler
Sale 1955, American Mercury
1955, Andrew Emerine
1958, and Auction $ updates. New
to members section is preliminary information on our 2003
Convention and group
photos from early conventions (courtesy of Ted Richards); 1960,
1961, 1963,
1964, 1965,
and 1972.
August 2, 2002 -
section additions include; Hartford
Current 1940 article, American
Home 1961 article courtesy of Deborah Davidson, Coin
World 1966 article, New
York Times 1976 article by Carole Rogers, Russell
Frisbie - Extraordinary Inventor, Cromwell
History, Perelman
Museum 1969 opening, and Bertoia June
29th auction prices. Members only
section additions include; 1959
Convention Agenda, plus over 37,000 words from lectures given by Mark Haber
at the first seven MBCA Conventions, Bank
prices - past, present, and future (1958), Banks
which reflect historical significance (1959), Charles
A. Bailey - Master pattern maker... (1960), 35
Gems of Bankdom (1961), Foundry
practices at J & E Stevens Co. (1962), Fakes,
Deviations and recasts (1963), and The
Sleepers (1964).
May 12, 2002 -
J&E Stevens price list, 1937
History of Penny Banks by Mark Haber, 1942
NY Sun article, 1945
Antiques article on Jerome Secor by Losis Hertz, 1945
article on Griffith, 1946
NY Sun article, 1974
Dennenberg article, 1978
Boston Globe article, Bertoia
Auction prices have been updated, and MBCA
publications from 1998 are posted in the members only
January 30, 2002 -
Bank pages from J. & E. Stevens Co.
catalogs - 1883
- 1904
- 1905
- 1906
- 1907
- 1928
price list - 1929
& #13
price list, J.
Lisle Laufer - 1950 Wheelabrator Digest article.
Also, members only section home page includes email links to MBCA President,
Treasurer, and BANKER Editor (see latest BANKER for current
User Name and Password) along with preliminary MBCA
2002 Convention information.
December 9, 2001 - Louis
Rosenberg article from 1962 Louisville Courier Sunday
Magazine, Artillery Bank advertisement
from 1892 Century Magazine, 1955 John
Johannsen Profitable HOBBIES cover and article, an
advertisement for reproduction
banks from the Spring 1974 edition of Liberty Magazine, and Bertoia
Auction Prices have been updated.
September 1, 2001 -
Recent additions to the public section of the web include: 1933
HOBBIES Magazine cover, 1940
Samuel Pryor photo, magazine articles from Spinning Wheel magazine
— Uncle
Sam Bank (Nov. 1967) and Monkey
and Coconut Bank (Dec. 1967),
and Girl Skipping Rope
patent paper images and text. Additions to member's only section include MBCA
publications from 1997, 1965-1979
BY-LAWS, and History
of MBCA presented by Edward Richards at our 1963 convention.
June 1, 2001 -
A list of 1732 Mechanical Banks sold by Bertoia
Auctions between October 1994 and May 2001 has been posted to the MBCA web.
See Auction
$ link at left under MBCA logo, or click here —> A-C,
D-H, I-O,
P-Z, A-Z
(250k). Condition is from catalog
listing. Prices include buyer's premium. Information courtesy of MBCA
member Bill
April 1, 2001 - By request,
additional bank photos have been added to the web. They display randomly on the Home
Page (changing every minute), have been indexed on Contents
pages, and are available as a slide show changing every 60
seconds, or every 20 seconds.
January 24, 2001 -
Chrysler Collection
Sale brochure with prices from 1955 has been posted in the public
section along with additional MBCA publications from 1996 in the MBCA "Member's-Only"
August 6, 2000
- Club
publications from 1990 through 1995 have been added to the MBCA "Member's-Only".
13, 2000 - Animated Bank Photos have been posted to the
web. Thanks to Frank
Kidd and the MBCA
Archives, we've added more MBCA publications to the members section of
our web — News Letters from March
1962 and December
1962, BANKERS from April
1980, August
1980, August
1981, December
1981, and December
1983, as well as 1982
Other Old Mechanical Banks containing information on and photos of 61 rarely seen banks. Members should check their December
1999 BANKER, or
contact mbank@snet.net for the Login
& Password.
March 4, 2000 - An index
has been added to the members
reference section. It contains 664 links to information on specific
banks and bank related articles that are in the members area of our web (1960
through 1989 Bankers, etc). The scrapbook contents
pages contain an additional 1451 links to articles in the public section of our
February 4, 2000 -
Added to the Scrapbook: Andrew
Emerine 1939,
1946 & 1953,
American Toys After 1850,
Conn. Historical Society 1955,
I.A. Long 1947,
Chinese Coin Bank 1948.
4, 1999 -
Over 500 pages of MBCA published material from the 60's & 70's
are now available on-line in the members Reference
section. Password information will be in the next BANKER, use the same User
Name and Password for the members Chat
area. Contact mbank@snet.net with any
questions. Also new: Valuable
Toys, Apr. '42, Calvacade of
Toys, '42, NY
Sun, Apr. '46, LA
Times, Sep. '49, Hertz/Haber
Gradation Listing, '47, and Hobbies,
Mar. '48.
- Over 150 pages of MBCA reference material from the 1960's have
been posted to the restricted access Reference
section. If you're a member of the MBCA, contact mbank@snet.net
for the required Login and Password. Use the same Login and Password to access
the new members only Chat
30, 1999 - Thanks to Aaron and Abby Schroeder, the words and audio of their
Us All song have been posted to this web site. Also posted this month
was an article by Andrew Emerine from Avocations, March
’38 and articles by Richard Lederer from Collectors Roundup,
Oct. ’46, March
’47, and April
’47. - Pages from J. &. Stevens Co. factory catalogs
were added to the Scrapbook
section along with articles by Norman Sherwood in Avocations
— Dec.
’37, Jan.
’38, Feb.
’38, March
’38, April
’38, May
’38, June
’38, Nov.
’38, and Dec.
’38. Other additions include articles from the New
York Times, Farm
Journal, and American
German Review. Forum is available for use.
Post your for sale, wanted, comments, questions, etc., and
reply to messages left by others. References listed in the bibliography
of John Meyer's handbook are being located and linked to the bibliography
page from his handbook — check them out. Do you have material that could be posted on the MBCA site?
Contact web@mechanicalbanks.org.
April 18, 1999 - Over 1000 files of scrapbook content have been posted
to the site. Additional pages will be added and possibly a bulletin board or Forum along
with a private area with information available only to MBCA members via a password
published in the BANKER.
March 18, 1999 -
first published to www.

Joseph Cotten —
May 15, 1905 - February 6, 1994